Survivor Stories

Empowering Stories of Survival

At Tri-County Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault, Inc., we believe in the power of sharing survivor stories to inspire hope and healing. Each individual's journey is unique, and by sharing their experiences, survivors can offer support and encouragement to others.

Client Testimonials

*Some names or identifying information may have been changed to protect the client. 

Wonderful program with wonderful people!! I wouldn't be where I am without the genuine support they provide. The people who supervise the shelter are so caring and diligent. I hope one day I can re-pay them for all they have done for me and my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Lily's House is an amazing place that provided safe shelter to me after a particularly violent assault.

I also note that I didn't escape that relationship until 9 months later. That was on me. You can lead a horse to water but can't make her drink. But they made sure I knew the water was there.

Thank you for your support to those who need it in our community. You are definitely a bright light in the darkness.

Heal with Survivors

 If you are encouraged by these stories or have one of your own, we invite you to join one of our support groups. Please contact us below to get more information.